The Vascular Quality of Life Questionnaire (VascuQoL-6) was proposed to evaluate specific quality of life of peripheral artery disease (PAD) patients. However, there is no Brazilian-Portuguese version available, blunting its use in Brazilian patients. The objective of the study was to analyze the psychometric properties of a translated Brazilian-Portuguese version of VascuQoL-6 in Brazilian patients with PAD with intermittent claudication symptoms. One hundred eleven patients with PAD participated in the study. After translation and retranslation, construct validity was analyzed by identifying correlation between VascuQoL-6 scores, general World Health Organization qualify of life (WHOQOL) score, and subjective and objective functional capacity tests. To determine the reliability, internal consistency and test-retest reliability with at least 7 days interval between 2 questionnaire applications were calculated. Significant correlations between the VascuQoL-6 score and total WHOQOL score (r=0.44; P<0.05) were observed. Moreover, we observed negative correlations between the VascuQoL-6 score and 4-meter usual pace (r=-0.33; P<0.05) and 4-meter fast pace (r=-0.34; P<0.05) and positive correlation with onset claudication distance (r=0.39; P<0.05) and total walking distance (r=0.29; P ≤ 0.05). Internal consistency was 0.84, whereas the intraclass coefficient correlation was 0.84, with no differences in VascuQoL-6 scores between the 2 applications days. The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the VascuQoL-6 presents adequate valid and reliability indicators, allowing its use in patients with PAD with intermittent claudication symptoms.
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