Objectives: Arterial stiffness evaluating is a modern method of target organ damage assessing, but there is a lack of data on pulse wave velocity dynamics in the arteries of the elastic type (PWVe). Methods: We included initially 1558 subjects: 779 (50%) with arterial hypertension (AH) and 779 (50%) normotensive. 728 (46,7%) were women and 830 (53,3%) were men. Among hypertensive subjects 278 were naïve to treatment, other was on study drugs, 143 had good BP control, registered on the first visit, other had referred for drug therapy adjustment. PWV and CSBP in all subject were measured with SphygmoCor (AtCor, Australia). 229 subjects ( ∼ 14,7%) came back after 1 month, 111 subjects ( ∼ 7,1%) – after 3 m, 200 ( ∼ 12,8%) – after 6 m, 120 subjects ( ∼ 7,7%) – after 12 m and 45 ( ∼ 2,8%) after 35 m of follow-up. Antihypertensive treatment was prescribed using ESC/ESH guidelines. Results: The percentage of those referred for the follow-up visit may be explained by that it was predominantly subjects with arterial hypertension or those who wanted underwent additional diagnostics. After 1 month of treatment office SBP (oSBP) decreased significantly from142,6 ± 1,6 to132,6 ± 1,7 mmHg (p < 0,001), while PWVe dynamics was not significant (NS), after 3m oSBP was 129,6 ± 1,9 mmHg (p = 0,02), PWVe dynamics – still NS, after 6m oSBP was 129,8 ± 2,1 (p < 0,001), PWV dynamics – still NS. Those who came after 6m had oSBP 133,3 ± 2,4 (NS compared with baseline), but PWVe dynamics was significant (12,2 ± 0,3 vs 10,4 ± 0,2, p = 0,003), it was more pronounced after 12m and 36 m (10,1 ± 0,3, p = 0,006 and 9,8 + 0,2, p = 0,002) while oSBP dynamic remained NS comparing with baseline. Conclusion: We have found that before 6m of therapy there was no significant dynamics in PWVe, arterial elasticity improved only after 12 and 36m, which was not dependent on final SBP
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