Vehicles equipped with electrified powertrains produce lower sound and vibration levels compared to those equipped with internal combustion engine powertrains. This makes noise and vibration (N&V) from other non-engine components more perceptible. Gear growl is one of the newly observed N&V that brings concerns by the passengers and manufacturers. The understanding of signal characteristics and the threshold for determining whether gear growl requires attention remains limited. To address this, supervised machine learning classification is employed. Root-mean-square (RMS) and spectral entropy values are sufficient for the classification of vibration data with test accuracy of 0.983. However, the acoustic signal required more features due to background noise, making data linearly inseparable. Features that describe the characteristics of acoustic data are studied, extracted, and selected. Utilizing a support vector machine (SVM) for classification, the study achieves an average test accuracy of 0.918. Further, a multi-class classification model is implemented based on preliminary subjective listening studies, classifying different severities of gear growl. Further listening studies are suggested for improving multi-class classification performance. Methods described in this study mainly focus on the analysis of gear growl, but they can be generalized for N&V signal-based fault diagnosis applications.
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