The effect of ammonia addition on the nanostructure of soot particles was studied experimentally for ethylene diffusion flames. To compensate the thermal effect and nitrogen-containing species production when ammonia was added, the total mole fraction of ammonia and nitrogen was fixed in the fuel stream. Soot particle size, fringe length, and fringe tortuosity were measured through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). A complementary X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis provided information about the chemical bonding of soot. A significant delay in soot growth was observed and the particle size increased with the addition of ammonia. While there was no obvious correlation between the fractal dimension of soot and ammonia mole fraction (XNH3) or sampling location. With the addition of ammonia, the mean fringe length increased reasonably linearly with XNH3 and the fringe tortuosity increased up to XNH3 ≈ 0.17 and then decreased with XNH3, which suggested that ammonia addition led to higher graphitization and lower oxidative activity. The soot from ammonia diluted flame exhibited lower reactivity, implying the delay of soot surface growth. With the addition of ammonia, the value of sp2/sp3 (indication of the graphitization degree of soot particles) did not change much for XNH3 from 0 to 0.17 then increased significantly, which indicated the degree of graphitization of soot particles significantly increased with ammonia addition. The intensity of the N1s peak (indication of the N-containing species in soot) increased with the addition of ammonia. This study confirmed that the addition of NH3 promotes the graphitization of soot.
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