
Hybrid large-eddy / Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations of turbulence / chemistry interactions occurring within a ramp-injected, hydrogen-fueled scramjet combustor are presented in this work. The experimental geometry is one of several studied at the Universty of Virginia as part of the National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion and consists of an isolator, a combustor, and an extender section. Data collected includes coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) measurements of major species composition and temperature at several streamwise planes, stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, hydroxyl planar-induced fluorescence (OH-PLIF) imagery, wall pressure distributions, and line-of-sight profiles of temperature and water concentration obtained using tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLAS). This paper focuses on an equivalence ratio of 0.17, which does not produce enough heat release to force a shock train into the isolator. The computational methods utilize a hybrid fourth-order central-difference / upwind strategy to enable accurate resolution of turbulent structures and employ a nine-species hydrogen oxidation mechanism. Generally accurate predictions of temperature, velocity, and nitrogen mole fraction are achieved through a ‘laminar chemistry’ assumption for the filtered species production rates, though results do improve slightly with the use of a simple turbulence / chemistry subgrid closure model. The predictions are most sensitive to the choice of isolator inflow boundary condition, with the use of a recycling / rescaling technique to sustain turbulent fluctuations resulting in an ‘over-mixing’ effect immediately downstream of the fuel injector. Turbulence–chemistry interactions in the flameholding region are examined from the standpoint of laminar flamelet theory. A region of high scalar dissipation rate, coincident with the breakdown of the fuel plume and the interaction of a reflected shock wave with the plume, inhibits flame propagation, forming a ‘hole’ in the flame. Advection of cooler fluid downstream into regions of moderate scalar dissipation enlarges the ‘hole’, but eventually the flame reconnects. These results point to one potential disadvantage of fuel-air mixing technologies that enhance axial vorticity – even if conditions for combustion are favorable, high strain rates generated by the interaction and breakdown of vortex pairs can lead to flame suppression.

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