The rapid increase of wearable sensor devices poses new challenges for implementing continuous real-time processing of physiological data. Neuromorphic sensory-processing devices can enable both the measurement of bio-signals and their processing locally in compact embedded wearable systems. In particular, mixed-signal spiking neural networks implemented on neuromorphic processors can be integrated directly with the sensors to extract temporal data-streams in real-time with very low power consumption. In this work, we present a neuromorphic approach for classifying spatio-temporal data from electromyography (EMG) signals, which paves the way toward the realization of compact wearable solutions for neuroprosthetic control. Here we extend previously proposed delta-encoding methods to transform bio-signals into spike trains and use a spiking Recurrent Neural Network (SRNN) architecture to extract features from them. The SRNN was first simulated in software to find the optimal set of hyperparameters, and then validated on the neuromorphic hardware, with a difference in the performance of less than 2%. We describe how biologically plausible mechanisms such as Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) and soft Winner-Take-All (WTA) networks can be exploited to classify the EMG signals and show how their combined use in EMG data classification achieves competitive results with different datasets. Specifically, the classification performance for the Roshambo EMG dataset, which has three different classes, is above 85%, and for the basic finger movements dataset from the Ninapro database, which has eight different classes, reaches 55% accuracy.
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