Stomata control plant water loss and photosynthetic carbon gain. Developing more generalized and accurate stomatal models is essential for earth system models and predicting responses under novel environmental conditions associated with global change. Plant optimality theories offer one promising approach, but most such theories assume that stomatal conductance maximizes photosynthetic net carbon assimilation subject to some cost or constraint of water. We move beyond this approach by developing a new, generalized optimality theory of stomatal conductance, optimizing any non-foliar proxy that requires water and carbon reserves, like growth, survival, and reproduction. We overcome two prior limitations. First, we reconcile the computational efficiency of instantaneous optimization with a more biologically meaningful dynamic feedback optimization over plant lifespans. Second, we incorporate non-steady-state physics in the optimization to account for the temporal changes in the water, carbon, and energy storage within a plant and its environment that occur over the timescales that stomata act, contrary to previous theories. Our optimal stomatal conductance compares well to observations from seedlings, saplings, and mature trees from field and greenhouse experiments. Our model predicts predispositions to mortality during the 2018 European drought and captures realistic responses to environmental cues, including the partial alleviation of heat stress by evaporative cooling and the negative effect of accumulating foliar soluble carbohydrates, promoting closure under elevated CO2. We advance stomatal optimality theory by incorporating generalized evolutionary fitness proxies and enhance its utility without compromising its realism, offering promise for future models to more realistically and accurately predict global carbon and water fluxes.
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