This analysis combines vertical electric field components Ez observed by two research aircraft flying horizontally at two levels, with vertical soundings of thermodynamic parameters and Ez made by five balloons, to produce a quasi‐three‐dimensional view of the space charge distribution in the trailing stratiform cloud region behind a mesoscale convective system (MCS) that developed in central Oklahoma late in the afternoon of 2 June 1991. The balloons were launched serially at one‐hour intervals from two sites separated by 80 km along a north‐south line as the MCS moved eastward, yielding two east‐west time‐height cross‐sections of the Ez structure within the quasi‐steady state trailing stratiform region behind the MCS. The balloon measurements are consistent with a vertical stack of five rearward‐ and downward‐sloping horizontal sheets of charge of alternating polarity, beginning at the bottom with a negative charge layer below the 0°C level and a positive layer near the 0°C level. This structure persisted for more than 2 hours. The two aircraft flew back and forth along a north‐south line through the balloon launch sites during the balloon launch period. Aircraft measurements demonstrated that the vertical electric field (Ez) at constant altitude varied in the north‐south direction. The peak magnitudes of Ez deduced from the airborne instrument systems agreed with the magnitudes deduced from the balloon measurements at the aircraft altitudes of 4.5 km and 5.8 km AGL. Rapid reversals in polarity of Ez with peak magnitude >50 kV m−1 observed by the aircraft at 4.5 km, just above the 0°C level, confirms the thin concentrated positive charge layer observed there by balloons and suggests that this charge layer is undulating above and below 4.5 km altitude, at least in the north‐south direction. Microphysically, this layer contained large aggregates and pockets of low cloud liquid water concentration. At the 5.8 km level, the polarity of Ez was always positive but the magnitude varied from zero to 25 kV m−1. Aircraft‐observed Ez at both altitudes varied on horizontal scales of ∼10 km or greater at both levels, suggesting that the charge density derived using the one‐dimensional infinite‐layer Gauss's law approximation applied to the balloon soundings of Ez is valid in this study. These observations show that layers of charge can persist for hours as they advect rearward in a storm‐relative sense, possibly due to continuing in situ charge separation, and/or due to weak dispersion, slow recombination and slow settling of charge attached to low mobility low terminal velocity ice hydrometeors.