The global and local minimum configurations of single Hf atom doped Sn clusters are conducted via density function theory (DFT) combined with artificial bee colony algorithm (ABCluster). Furthermore, DFT method is also used to systematically investigate on their structural growth evolution, spectral and electronic information, thermochemical properties following the size of tin clusters doped Hf atom. Structurally, the ground-state geometries of neutral, anion and di-anion are discovered that, from n = 4, the number of Sn atoms in cluster, HfSnn0/-/2- adsorb additional Sn atom on the prior architecture one by one until forming n = 17 for HfSnn-10/-, as well as forming n = 16 for HfSnn-12-. And for the HfSn110/- and HfSn102- as beginning the species veritably develop sealed architectures. The strongest vibrational modes of sealed nanoclusters are stretching modes of Hf atom with infrared actives and breathing modes of the Sn cage framework with Raman actives, respectively. The natural population analysis (NPA) elucidates the stronger relationship between the Hf atoms and the tin frameworks in sealed clusters than that in unsealed clusters. The results of thermochemical properties, molecular orbital shell (MOs), adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) and ultraviolet visible absorption spectrum (UV–Vis) indicate that, the HfSn16 with high symmetry of Td exhibits thermochemical stability and optoelectronic properties, which is utilized potentially as zero-dimensional unit of self-assembling fluorescent nanomaterials.
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