ABSTRACT: A novel wideband crossed planar monopole antenna hav-ing the band-notched characteristic is presented. The proposed antennaconsist of a wideband crossed planar monopole and multiple U-shapedslots, producing band-notched characteristic. In order to generate theband-notched characteristic on a crossed planar monopole, we proposethat two or four U-shaped slots be required. This technique is suitablefor creating an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with a narrow frequencynotch or a multiband antenna. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Microwave Opt Technol Lett 48: 543–545, 2006; Published online inWiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.21403 crossed planar monopole antenna; band-notched antenna;wideband antenna 1. INTRODUCTION The planar monopole has recently been investigated as an antennawith wideband properties. This kind of antenna exhibits goodimpedance matching and high efficiency. However, due to thenature of planar monopole antennas, with currents confined to thelower outer edges, a variation of the radiation pattern with changeof frequency is inevitable. To solve this problem, the crossedplanar monopole has recently been studied [1–3], and improvedomnidirectional radiation patterns for frequencies across a wideoperating bandwidth have been obtained.Due to collocation of the wideband system with frequencybands reserved for narrowband wireless technologies, there is aneed for the wideband device to provide filtering in those bands inorder to avoid causing interference from or to narrowband devices.In [4–6], a planar monopole was shown to exhibit a single-frequency notch band while maintaining wideband performance.However, there is no solution for a crossed planar monopoleantenna with the frequency band-notched characteristic.In this paper, we explore the ability to achieve the band-notchedcharacteristicinawidebandcrossedplanarmonopole.Theability to provide this function in the antenna can significantlyrelax the requirements imposed upon the filtering electronicswithin the wireless device. Two types of the crossed planar mono-pole antenna with the band-notched feature are presented. Theproposed antennas are fabricated and studied.
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