Wafer bonding is a critical manufacturing process for a vast number of experimental and commercial microelectromechanical system (MEMS) devices [1-5]. Wafer bonding is used for both the hermetic sealing of MEMS [3-5], and for integrating MEMS with electronic integrated circuits (IC) [1-2]. In this invited talk we present recent examples of wafer bonding approaches targeted at hermetic sealing of emerging MEMS devices such as silicon photonic MEMS [3, 4]. In these processes, the MEMS are sealed by wafer bonding and transferring individual lids, while at the same time keeping the final total die thickness as thin as possible. Furthermore, we also present examples of wafer bonding techniques targeted at integrating MEMS or nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) directly on top of electronic integrated circuits (IC), thereby closely packaging the MEMS devices with the electronic circuits that provide an interface to the outside world [1-2]. Ultimately the presented wafer bonding approaches can contribute to further miniaturization and thickness reduction of the final packaged MEMS components. REFERENCES [1] Fischer, A.C., Forsberg, F., Lapisa, M., Bleiker, S.J., Stemme, G., Roxhed, N. and Niklaus, F., 2015. Integrating mems and ics. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 1(1), pp.1-16.[2] Lapisa, M., Stemme, G. and Niklaus, F., 2011. Wafer-level heterogeneous integration for MOEMS, MEMS, and NEMS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 17(3), pp.629-644.[3] Jo, G., Edinger, P., Bleiker, S.J., Wang, X., Takabayashi, A.Y., Sattari, H., Quack, N., Jezzini, M., Lee, J.S., Verheyen, P. and Zand, I., 2022. Wafer-level hermetically sealed silicon photonic MEMS. Photonics Research, 10(2), pp.A14-A21.[4] Edinger, P., Jo, G., Van Nguyen, C.P., Takabayashi, A.Y., Errando-Herranz, C., Antony, C., Talli, G., Verheyen, P., Khan, U., Bleiker, S.J. and Bogaerts, W., 2023. Vacuum-sealed silicon photonic MEMS tunable ring resonator with an independent control over coupling and phase. Optics Express, 31(4), pp.6540-6551.[5] Wang, X., Bleiker, S.J., Edinger, P., Errando-Herranz, C., Roxhed, N., Stemme, G., Gylfason, K.B. and Niklaus, F., 2019. Wafer-level vacuum sealing by transfer bonding of silicon caps for small footprint and ultra-thin MEMS packages. Journal of microelectromechanical systems, 28(3), pp.460-471. Figure 1