On Farm Testing (OFT) in Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) resistant and high yielding greengram varieties was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tirupur in farmers field during kharif 2020. Totally 15 farmers each with one acre were selected in three villages of Pongalur Block in Tirupur district of Tamil Nadu. Critical input viz., seeds of greengram varieties CO 8 and DGG 1 were distributed to the farmers and the varietal performance were assessed along with the existing variety under cultivation VBN 2. The plant physiological parameters viz., plant height, number of nodules / plant and yield attributing parameters such as number of pods / plants, number of branches/plant, Mung bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) disease incidence (%), yield (q ha-1) and B:C ratio were recorded. The results revealed that, among the three varieties, Greengram CO 8 was recorded more number of pods (42) and minimum incidence of Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) disease incidence of 3.2 per cent resulting in the highest yield of 9.5 q ha-1 followed by DDG 1 with 34 pods/plant, MYMV disease incidence of 7.3 per cent and yield of 8.4 q ha-1 compared to the existing variety VBN 2, which recorded the lowest number of pods (31 Nos.), yield (7.6 q ha-1) with the highest MYMV disease incidence (12.5%). The highest B:C ratio was recorded in greengram variety CO 8 (2.92) which was followed by DDG 1 (2.58). It was concluded that, farmers of Tirupur district in Tamil Nadu were satisfied with cultivation of greengram CO 8 variety due to the lowest disease incidence, higher yield and Benefit Cost Ratio.
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