
Background: Mungbean and Urdbean are the important pulses in India which are regarded as prospective protein source for human daily diet and rich source of protein and carbohydrate. Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus is one of the destructive diseases to pulses and transmitted by whitefly. Among the pulses, mungbean and urdbean are severely affected by MYMV in India. Present investigation was aimed to determine the congenial and mitigating factors of mungbean and urdbean crops with reference to infection of MYMV and its vector. Methods: The morphological and biochemical analysis was carried out by factorial RCBD consisting of two factors viz., factor 1: Crops (V) (Mung bean and Urd bean) and factor 2: observation at 15 days interval up to 90 DAS (S) for recording different morphological and biochemical parameters. Result: Morphological parameters of urdbean are able to mitigate the vector incidence and indirectly reduced the MYMV infection in urdbean than mungbean. Further, the biochemical parameters levels were more in urdbean than mungbean and their levels increased with the increased MYMV incidence. Hence, it is concluded that the morphological characters are found responsible for vector infestation where as biochemical levels are important for the infection of MYMV in both the crops.

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