Background. Ljubljana declaration (2006) states that the close cooperation between oncologists and oncopharmacologists is vitally important to provide an optimal medical care. Multiprofessional approach allows to increase the cost-effectiveness of treatment and to make it safer.
 Objective. To prove the importance of the multiprofessional approach and cooperation of various specialists in the oncology field.
 Materials and methods. Analysis of the literature data on this topic.
 Results and discussion. According to the questionnaires’ results, 59 % of the respondents want to receive information about drugs and their side effects from the pharmacist. It explains the importance of creation of European Society of Oncology Pharmacology (ESOP), which at the moment includes 63 countries. Key principles of ESOP are the compliance to the standards of treatment quality, continuous professional growth and multiprofessional collaboration. Tasks of ESOP include the increase of the compliance to the oral drugs for cancer treatment, the struggle with the lack of drugs in all the world and the providing safety for patients and healthcare workers, which works with cytotoxic drugs (CTD). According to the data of different authors, low adherence can be predicted by the depression and cognitive disorders, side effects of drugs, asymptomatic disease course, difficult and expensive treatment, unsatisfactory control of treatment, etc. Talking about lack of drugs, since 2000s their frequency has increased. Even the drugs, which are included in the List of the Essential Medicines, are not available in every country, that’s why doctors have to change treatment regimens, interchange drugs, decrease the doses and postpone treatment. Struggle to fight the environmental pollution by CTD is one more task of ESOP. Studies have revealed that the most polluted surfaces in hospitals include working surfaces, floors, counters, drug fridge doors. In general, such characteristics as patient-centricity, multidisciplinary and multiprofessional approach, general coordination of treatment process, defined responsibilities, strict treatment protocols, continuous education of medical stuff, and advanced information systems are the most important for high-quality medical care. ESOP also focuses on the increase of pharmacist’s influence, that’s why this organization provides specialized webinars, trainings and workshops in oncology pharmacy field.
 Conclusions. 1. High-quality of medical care in cancer needs a pharmacist involvement. 2. Key principles of the ESOP include the compliance to the standards of treatment quality, continuous professional growth and multiprofessional collaboration. 3. Tasks of ESOP include the increase of the compliance to the oral drugs for cancer treatment, the struggle with the lack of drugs in all the world and the providing safety for patients and healthcare workers.
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