Technology Update As today’s deep wells challenge the bounds of pressure and temperature, accurate reservoir testing has become essential to mitigate production risk. The information contained in a series of downhole pressure transient measurements and representative reservoir fluid samples can make or break a prospect’s potential. The consistent and accurate acquisition of this information requires the precision instrumentation and functionality of a drillstem testing system. Whereas excellent downhole logging instruments can describe the near-borehole regions, only a drillstem test can reach deeply into the reservoir to discover boundaries, faults, and fractures; confirm volumetric reserves estimations; and acquire the cleanest, most representative fluid samples to provide accurate fluid phase behavior, physical properties, and com-positional analyses. Safety, Reliability, and Efficiency The Schlumberger Quartet high-performance downhole reservoir testing system combines four proven downhole technologies into a package that can isolate the zone, control flow, measure pressure and temperature, and acquire multiple single-phase reservoir fluid samples on a single trip into the well. The system provides enhanced safety, increased efficiency, and improved reliability to testing operations. Compared with conventional downhole test strings, the system functions with a 35% lower tool operating pressure, 50% fewer seals, and 60% fewer connections, while requiring 90% less nitrogen. The system is four times shorter than a conventional tool string because it eliminates the requirement for a safety joint, jar, slip joints, and drill collars. Despite its smaller size, the system is sufficiently durable to permit perforating guns to be run below the packer and fired without incurring damage to the tools or impairing their accuracy or integrity. The system also includes a below-packer circulating valve to allow a more efficient well kill following the test, which is especially important when testing gas wells. Each of the four tools that make up the downhole reservoir testing system operates individually and collectively to perform the test. The CERTIS high-integrity reservoir test isolation system delivers production-quality well isolation. The isolation system combines the features of a retrievable drillstem test packer with a hydraulically set permanent packer, making the safety joint, jar, slip joints, and drill collars unnecessary. Because the system is actuated by annulus pressure, no rotational or set down forces are required.
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