In the fields of biomedicine and microfluidics, the non-contact capture, manipulation, and spin of micro-particles hold great importance. In this study, we propose a programmable non-contact manipulation technique that utilizes photoacoustic effect to spin and transport living shrimp eggs. By directing a modulated pulsed laser toward a liquid-covered stainless-steel membrane, we can excite patterned Lamb waves within the membrane. These Lamb waves occur at the interface between the membrane and the liquid, enabling the manipulation of nearby particles. Experimental results demonstrate the successful capture, spin, and transport of shrimp eggs in diameter of 220 µm over a distance of about 5 mm. Calculations indicate that the acoustic radiation force and torque generated by our photoacoustic manipulation system are more than 299.5 nN and 41.0 nN·mm, respectively. The system surpasses traditional optical tweezers in terms of force and traditional acoustic tweezers in terms of flexibility. Consequently, this non-contact manipulation system significantly expands the possibilities for applications in various fields, including embryo screening, cell manipulation, and microfluidics.