ARINC 653 Part 1 Supplement 5 (ARINC 653P1-5) provides temporal partitioning capabilities for real-time applications running on the multicore processors in Integrated Modular Avionics (IMAs) systems. However, it is difficult to schedule a set of ARINC 653 multicore partitions to achieve a minimum processor occupancy. This paper proposes a model-based optimization method for ARINC 653 multicore partition scheduling. The IMA multicore processing system is modeled as a network of timed automata in UPPAAL. A parallel genetic algorithm is employed to explore the solution space of the IMA system. Owing to a lack of priori information for the system model, the configuration of genetic operators is self-adaptively controlled by a Q-learning algorithm. During the evolution, each individual in a population is evaluated independently by compositional model checking, which verifies each partition in the IMA system and combines all the schedulability results to form a global fitness evaluation. The experiments show that our model-based method outperforms the traditional analytical methods when handling the same task loads in the ARINC 653 multicore partitions, while alleviating the state space explosion of model checking via parallelization acceleration.
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