The paper deals with the phenomenon of the Samara banner as a cultural code. It is emphasized that the period of the second half of the 19th early 20th centuries is increasingly considered by researchers as a source of elements transmitted and perceived as modern cultural codes. Epistemological, psychological, sociological and information-communication approaches to understanding cultural codes are presented, with the help of which ideas about the unity, cohesion of society are formed and the social uncertainty of modernity is reduced. The period of the Russian-Turkish war is characterized as a period of the cultural code formation associated with the activation of national self-identification, growth of patriotism, formation of civil consciousness and civil society. The process of formation and consolidation of the cultural code inherent in the modern inhabitant of the Samara province, which was influenced by notable socio-political, cultural and religious events of both the past and the present, is analyzed. Dynamics is noted in assessing the role of the Samara Banner phenomenon for various periods of Russian history. The authors give an example of systemic involvement of the younger generation of the Samara Region residents in the history of their native land, through acquaintance with the history of the Samara banner, presented in the textbooks Stories on the history of the Samara Region and History of the Samara Region.
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