Abstract Seeking a family of models filling the hierarchy between steady plumes and cloud-resolving simulations, Part I of this study presented a formulation termed anelastic convective entities (ACEs). The solution includes pressure-mediated nonlocal effects in both vertical and horizontal and thus yields time-dependent simulations of convective updrafts, downdrafts and other aspects of convection even for a single column interacting with a fixed environment through dynamically determined inflow and outflow. Here we show how a straightforward iteration of that formulation can capture interactions among entities in a variety of choices for the geometry of the interactions. Using an oceanic sounding to contrast with land cases in Part 1, we first illustrate that a single ACE can exhibit ongoing time-dependent evolution depending, e.g., on choices in the parameterized turbulence. For a case in which a single ACE with fixed environment would yield a near-steady deep-convective state, we examine the adjustment process in a multi-ACE prototype for adjustment within a climate model grid cell. This embedded ACE configuration exhibits time-dependent stratiform cloud expansion through convective outflow modified by dynamic feedbacks. The grid-scale adjustment process includes not only traditional warming by large-scale descent, but also captures the spread of the convective cold top. The formulation also illustrates the possibility of multi-hour time lag before the transition to deep convection, and remote initiation by small vertical velocities in the grid-cell environment. Comparing 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-ACE instances suggests promise as a potential convective-parameterization class between traditional- and super-parameterization, while providing a sandbox to aid understanding of convective and adjustment processes.
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