Load balancing is one of the main parts of scheduling Grid resources. One of the load balancing models on Grid resources is the hierarchical model. This model has the advantage that it requires minimal communication costs between one resource and another. The PLBA load balancing algorithm uses a hierarchical model with dynamically obtained threshold values, so that it can adjust conditions at a time, both the state of the resource, the state of the computer network, and the state of the recipient or client. PVM3 is a software system capable of optimizing heterogeneous resources, so that resources can work in parallel. Resources can also complete tasks well, even though they are very large and complex tasks. This research has implemented the PLBA load balancing algorithm, with the aim of optimizing Grid resources. This research has also developed the PLBA load balancing algorithm by changing the arguments for NPEList, so that resources can be grouped more optimally. The PLBA load balancing algorithm has been successfully developed by modifying the arguments for NPEList, so that the running time required to complete the given tasks is shorter, because resources can be grouped more optimally. This has been shown by the shorter average running time when using the modified NPEList argument (0.75 * threshold1 <= ALCi <= 1.25 * threshold1) is shorter, than using the NPEList argument in previous research (ALCi = threshold1). Comparison of the average running time has been obtained as follows : (82513.63740 : 67837.71720); (63869.92450 : 50722.17210); (858,96710 : 207,33680); (321.88000 : 126.89100); (768.54560 : 468.27190); (780.22770 : 279.43730).
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