
Data aggregation is a fundamental operation in Internet of Things (IoT) applications, e.g., distributed Internet-based industrial control and computing systems. As IoT devices are increasingly connected to the system via resource-constrained wireless communication links, it is critical to perform communication-efficient data aggregation to answer complex queries (e.g., skyline queries and equality joins) from IoT applications. In this paper, we investigate the problem of constructing an aggregation tree (AT) for complex queries with the minimum communication cost. As complex queries have a dynamic size of intermediate results, existing Steiner tree-based approaches for traditional query operators, e.g., MIN and top- ${k}$ , cannot be directly applied. We first formalize the aggregation gain by jointly considering the data pruning power (the size of data points that can be pruned during the aggregation for complex queries) and aggregation cost (the size of data points transmitted for the aggregation). By maximizing the aggregation gain, the data set that has a higher pruning power and a smaller size is selected and transferred for data aggregation at succeeding nodes. We then propose to construct the AT by connecting a set of aggregation operations with maximum aggregation gain. Extensive evaluation shows that our proposed framework achieves the promising results.

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