In this paper, we focus on the formulation of a hybrid methodology that combines analytical models, constrained optimization schemes, and machine learning techniques to simplify the execution of dexterous, in-hand manipulation tasks with adaptive robot hands. More precisely, the constrained optimization scheme is used to describe the kinematics of adaptive hands during the grasping and manipulation processes, unsupervised learning (clustering) is used to group together similar manipulation strategies, dimensionality reduction is used to either extract a set of representative motion primitives (for the identified groups of manipulation strategies) or to solve the manipulation problem in a low-d space and finally an automated experimental setup is used for unsupervised, automated collection of large data sets. We also assess the capabilities of the derived manipulation models and primitives for both model and everyday life objects, and we analyze the resulting manipulation ranges of motion (e.g., object perturbations achieved during the dexterous, in-hand manipulation). We show that the proposed methods facilitate the execution of fingertip-based, within-hand manipulation tasks while requiring minimal sensory information and control effort, and we demonstrate this experimentally on a range of adaptive hands. Finally, we introduce DexRep, an online repository for dexterous manipulation models that facilitate the execution of complex tasks with adaptive robot hands. Note to Practitioners —Robot grasping and dexterous, in-hand manipulations are typically executed with fully actuated robot hands that rely on analytical methods, computation of the hand object system Jacobians, and extensive numerical simulations for deriving optimal strategies. However, these hands require sophisticated sensing elements, complicated control laws, and are not robust to external disturbances or perception uncertainties. Recently, a new class of adaptive hands was proposed which uses structural compliance and underactuation (less motors than the available degrees of freedom) to offer increased robustness and simplicity. In this paper, we propose hybrid methodologies that blend analytical models with constrained optimization schemes and learning techniques to simplify the execution of dexterous, in-hand manipulation tasks with adaptive robot hands.
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