Introduction: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers course is intended to introduce the architecture, programming of microprocessors and interfacing various hardware circuits to microprocessors. They are very important and integral part of the computers. These are the systems working under the microscopic levels to perform macroscopic functions. Understanding these minute and complicated processes required, which requires logical thinking and creative visualization. The students taking up this course as a part of their UG Curriculum find it difficult to understand these concepts. Methods: Often the Classroom teaching turns out to be one-way involving only the faculty, this paper discusses various pedagogical methods such as Just a Minute (JAM), Role Play, Project Based Learning, Self Directed Learning (SDL) and Small Group Discussion (SG) to make the concepts clear to the students and also convert the session to an interactive two-way communication session. Results: The efficiency of the applied methodologies for teaching Microprocessors and Microcontrollers is found to be 83.33%. Conclusion: The application of these techniques must be broadened to improve the quality of the Education Provided Worldwide.