Introduction. As it is known, deformation of concrete can be divided into several stages. The first stage is characterized by a linear dependence of deformations and stresses, elastic deformations and small loads that, as they increase, lead to the second stage. At the second stage, the dependence becomes curvilinear, while deformations are irreversible, since micro-cracks are formed. Further consolidation of the micro-cracks into meso- and main cracks refers to the third stage and is accompanied by a redistribution of energy to the area of the main crack mouth. However, reaching the ultimate strength is not accompanied by an instant loss of bearing capacity due to the effect of decompression. This phenomenon should be taken into account in the numerical simulation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, because it significantly affects their strength characteristics. The introduction of such a refinement in the design models will allow reducing cross-sections of the construction components and accordingly getting rid of material overruns.
 Materials and methods. A digital sample is created for the study using the ANSYS software. A beam model is simulated as a single-span beam with longitudinal reinforcement in the bending zone. The load is applied as a 70 mm offset to the nodes in the line along the application point. Reinforcement is simulated as bilinear isotropic strengthening elements (LINK180). For uniform load distribution, load plates with linear elastic properties are specified at the points where boundary conditions and load are applied.
 Results. According to the obtained data, stress-deformation curves are constructed identically to the concrete deformation diagram. The values of loads when the first cracking occurs (end of the linear-elastic state), peak loads when the main crack is formed (maximum load for the unreinforced case and the beginning of the steel softening for the reinforced case) as well as ultimate loads and maximum deflections at the mid-span are compared.
 Conclusions. The results give insignificant (up to 5 %) discrepancies when changing the finite element size. Therefore, when working with calculation software, developers will be able to create correct models with any spacing of the finite element mesh depending on the available computational capabilities. Micropolar theory for simulating the concrete decompression can be considered sustainable to the size of the finite elements.
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