The deposition of rhodium through metal-organic vapour deposition (MOCVD) of [Rh(CO) 2Cl] 2 and direct metal vapour deposition has been investigated on TiO 2(110). The nature and chemistry of the surface rhodium phase has been characterised by TPD, XPS and FT-RAIRS, using CO as a probe adsorbate molecule. The thermal stability and adsorbate induced inter-conversion of the rhodium phases is also investigated. The rhodium geminal dicarbonyl species (Rh(CO) 2) is formed by the dissociative adsorption of [Rh(CO) 2Cl] 2 at 150 K. At this temperature the physisorption of the parent molecule subsequently takes place at higher exposures. The gem-dicarbonyl is observed exclusively during adsorption at 300 K, and is characterised by v sym(C-O) at 2112 cm −1, and v asym(C-O) at 2028 cm −1. These are observed in p-polarised FT-RAIRS by a coupling of v sym(C-O) to the normal component of the field yielding an increased reflectivity (transmission band), and the coupling of v asym(C-O) to the tangential component, yielding a decreased reflectivity (absorption band). The Rh(3d 5 2 ) binding energy of 309.1 eV is close to that of the parent molecule, while the Cl(2p 3 2 ) binding energy of 198.3 eV is clearly shifted from that found for the parent molecule (199.1 eV), and is associated with the adsorption of the chlorine onto the TiO 2(110) substrate. The frequencies of the bands of the gem-dicarbonyl shift only ca. 9 cm −1 with coverage which saturates at 0.35 ML. The physisorbed layers are characterised in FT-RAIRS by a complex series of transmission and absorption bands when using p-polarised radiation which arise from the coupling of the radiation to four normal modes of an isotropic layer of the parent molecule. The four normal modes give rise to absorption bands in the p-polarised spectrum, and transmission bands in the s-polarised spectrum, at 2102, 2087, 2039 and 2027 cm −1 correspond closely to values observed in the crystalline solid state. The gem-dicarbonyl is stable to 450 K at which temperature CO is cleanly desorbed, and highly dispersed metal particles are produced. For surfaces heated to 500 K, the gem-dicarbonyl can be partly regenerated by exposure of the surface to CO at 300 K, with additional adsorption of linear CO taking place on the remaining metallic particles, characterised by a strong absorption band with v linear(C-O) in the range 2064–2071 cm −1. For surfaces heated to 800 K, a narrower distribution of larger metallic particles is produced from which the regeneration of the gem-dicarbonyl is not facilitated by exposure to CO. The adsorption of CO on the metallic particles is characterised by a very low sticking probability, and a small coverage dependent, red frequency shift. This we suggest is associated with the migration of oxygen from the substrate over the surface of the rhodium during heating, and CO adsorption is only possible after sites are made available by the reaction of CO with adsorbed oxygen to produce CO 2. Exposure of the gem-dicarbonyl to hydrogen at 300 K leads to partial dccarbonylation, and partial disproportionation of the CO resulting in adsorbed carbon. Re-exposure to CO again results in the partial regeneration of the gem-dicarbonyl species. Rhodium deposition by MVD at 300 K leads initially to layer-by-layer growth of metallic rhodium, and exposure of such layers to CO during or following deposition did not result in the formation of the gem-dicarbonyl species. A facile adsorption of linearly bound CO on these films is observed, with v linear(C-O) in the range 2024–2090 cm −1 for both submonolayer and multilayer films. The p-polarised FT-RAIRS spectra produced transmission bands for films below ca. 7 ML, and absorption bands above ca. 20 ML. CO desorbs from the films at 420–550 K, and the TiO 2(110) substrate appears not to influence the CO adsorption behaviour expected for metallic rhodium, even for the first atomic layer. Heating the rhodium layers to 500 K and above produced rhodium particles which on exposure to CO produced the same characteristics of the large particles of rhodium resulting from the decomposition of the gem-dicarbonyl.
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