I. Using dogs, cats and rabbits, there were examined mainly, the circulatory actions of R.s. and Deserpidine. Results are as follws.1. The lowering of arterial blood pressure due to R.s. is of mild and slow mode; however it is possible to exist such cases which show the abrupt response by the intravenous use of Alseroxylon solved in propylenglycol. This abrupt reaction does neither depend upon nature of solvents, nor upon so-called yohimbine-liked action of R.s., 2. R.s. suppresses carotid sinus pressor reflex, but does not inhibit its depressor reflex.3. In cats, R.s. does not ameliorate the elevation of blood pressure due to faradization of peripheral end of splanchnicus, but the stimulation of the central end.4. R.s. does not inhibit pressor action of epinephrine by means of single intravenous injection nor of droplets-infusion.5. Reserpine does not influence the contraction of nictating membrane in cats induced by faradization of preganglionic fiber of upper cervical sympathetic ganglion.6. The miosis can be brought on by the intravenous application of R.s.; in turn, atropine changes this miosis into mydriasis.7. Blood pressure moderators were cut previously; no striking lowering of arterial pressure can be observed in decerebrated dogs even 15 minutes after the intravenous injection of Reserpine, whereas, 1-Hydrazinophthalazine shows marked lowering of blood pressure within this time course.8. R.s. is apt to set up bradycardia: slight prolongation of PQ interval and respiratory sedation, although these data can be often attributable to the tranquil state of animals.9. The circulatory analyzis clarifies that the decreas in W. (peripheral vascular resistance), E′. (elastic resistance), and the increase in S.V. (stroke volume), M.V. (minute volume) can be determined before the lowering of blood pressure does not remarkably stilly appear.10. The experimental results obtained with the use of Deserpidine are similar to those of Reserpine.II. Effects of lowering of blood pressure and influence on circulatory dynamics were examined in 87 patients suffering from high blood pressure, especially from essential hypertension under the treatment with R.s..1. With the parenteral use of large dosis the lowering of blood pressure is so remarkable that shock and severe side effect can appear, though it happens not frequent. At this depression the hemodynamics is characterized with the decrease in both W. and E′ and with the increase in M.V., When B.P. is excessively lowered, the hemodynamics designs to disclose so-called “Anspannungskollaps”.2. The effect of lowering of B.P. can be ascertained of usual dosage. The earlier is the stage of disorder, classified by Keith-Wagener, the more valid is R.s.. Improvement of subjective claim is not necessary parallel to the degree of lowering of B.P., and the former is generally more striking. The side effect is not so severe that it does not disturb the daily life of patients; but it was, evan if not often, observed that it increases in frequency of anginal attack, or induces cardiac block e.g. partial sinuauricular block.3. As to Alseroxylon, common dosage is thought to be 6-8mg. pro die, and as Reserpine, it is assumed to be enough only 1/8-1/10 of the dosage in Alseroxylon treatment. In the patients who show no effective lowering of B.P. within this dosage, there cannot be expected more marked lowering even if with madication of larger dosis above this limit. The patients who show refractoriness against R.s., are apt to disclose side effect.4. The changes of circulatory dynamics in peroral and chronic use are variable from case to case. There can be seen frequently the increase in M.V. though it is of slight extent. In the type of W. or E′., R.s. affects to induce normal state.5. The influence of R.s. upon R.B.F. (renal blood flow) or T.R.R. (total renal resistance) is not constant, and there
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