A study to assess the effect of structured teaching program on the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their care givers in selected wards of JMMC&RI, Thrissur. Objectives: to assess the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their care givers before and after intervention, to compare the level of knowledge and practice on administration of insulin among diabetic patients and their caregivers before and after intervention and to associate the pre-test level of knowledge and practice in administration of insulin among diabetes patients and their care givers with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. Methodology: The study was conducted among 30 diabetes patients on insulin therapy using pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. Samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The tool used for the study had 3 sections: Section A - Socio demographic and clinical data variables where the items include age, gender, marital status, educational status, occupation, monthly income, family history of diabetes mellitus, duration of illness, duration of insulin treatment, person administering insulin, any prior teachings on insulin administration and its source; Section B - Structured knowledge questionnaire; Section C - Structured practice checklist. Result: On data analysis it reveals that 14(46.7%) belongs to the age group of 61-80 years, 19(63.3%) are male, 29(96.7%) are married, 11(36.7%) have high school education, 18(60%) were unemployed‚ 14(46.7%) samples have family history of diabetes mellitus, 13(43.3%) have diabetes for less than 5 years and 4(13.3%) have duration of 11-15 years, 13(43.3%) take insulin for less than 1 year, 14(46.7%) administered insulin by themselves, 23(76.7%) had prior knowledge on insulin administration. The mean post-test knowledge score (19.46) of diabetic patients was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (10.2). The computed ‘t’ value (-19.631 ) showed a significant difference between the pre- test and posttest knowledge scores. The mean post-test practice score (19.60) of 30 diabetic patients was found to be significantly higher than their pre-test practice scores. There was a statistically significant relationship between the knowledge and practice level after structured teaching program (P<0.001). There was no significant association between knowledge and practice with selected socio demographic and clinical data variables. The teaching program was accepted by all subjects and showed their interest to learn the administration of insulin.
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