One of the obstacles experienced by teachers in following curriculum changes from KTSP to the 2013 curriculum is the implementation of learning, especially in applying the models specified in the 2013 curriculum. Ability in the use of methods, models, learning media and the ability to follow curriculum developments in order to improve quality education in Indonesia requires a skill and intelligence. The purpose of this study was to improve mathematical linguistic, spatial, and mathematical logical intelligence as well as to find out the obstacles in improving mathematical logical, linguistic, and spatial intelligence in the STKIP NU Indramayu PGSD students. The method used is a mix method with a sequential explanatory strategy. The instruments used were in the form of questions pretest, posttest and interview guidelines. The subject is the STKIP NU Indramayu PGSD student who took the basic science concept course in the fourth semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. The results of this study are an increase in linguistic and spatial intelligence with a high category, while an increase in mathematical logical intelligence has a medium category. Obstacles experienced by students namely 20 students have difficulty in completing calculation questions, 3 students have difficulty in presenting phenomena by visualizing, 4 students have difficulty identifying from experimental results, 4 Mahasisawa has difficulty in drawing conclusions based on research results, 15 students have difficulty analyzing, 18 students difficulty in predicting.
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