This paper examines how bio-politics and bio-power as well as post-racism operate in the (post)modern racial topography analyzing a science fiction and a movie: Black No More written by George S. Schuyler and Get Out directed by Jordan Peele. Michel Foucault proposes the ideas of bio-politics and bio-power not only in the sense of biological manipulation of population in nation-state through various apparatuses of hospital, prison, school, etc. but also domination of knowledge-based power structure including a variety of subcategories of science such as biology, statistics, medicine, and so on. Black No More is a science fiction or speculative fiction, albeit its tactical use of science, because it projects a differential time and space where African American people find a way to become whites thanks to a newly invented technology that can transform blacks into whites. Black No More, as a speculative farce, provides a thought experiment of ‘what if’ all blacks turn into white and delineates its consequence. Get Out also speculatively toys with an alternative history in which select whites take advantage of black bodies to do implantation of their brain into them before they die to achieve eternal life. Both examples shed dim light on dystopian potential in the current society where race under disguise of post-racism perpetrates bio-political racism.
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