Dr. Karl F. Meyer has written a very interesting and thought provoking article on the relation of animal diseases transmitted to man (zoonoses) and rural health. This paper was prepared at the request of the WHO secretariat for the technical session of the Seventh World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland, May 14, 1954. The report stimulated considerable discussion and questions at that meeting. No doubt Dr. Meyer wrote the article with the idea of stressing a strong control theme to the Assembly which was convened to discuss world rural health problems.The booklet is written for the health administrator, especially those in areas of the world where little attention has been given to the zoonoses. Medical officers, epidemiologists, nurses, engineers, veterinarians, and public health scientists will all find the presentation interesting and in many instances it will stimulate a desire to obtain further information about the subjects discussed.The author has divided his subject into two broad sections: 1) the major soonoses; 2) those of local or regionalimportance. Under the discussionof major zoonoses,he discusses anthrax, brucellosis, encephalitis, hydatidosis, leptospirosis, plague, Q fever, rabies, salmonellosis, trichinosis, bovine tuberculosis and tularemia.
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