More than 80% of the Ethiopian population earns their livelihood from crop cultivation and livestock rearing activities. Crop production is a major contributor to Gross Domestic Product accounting for approximately 28% from the sub sectors of agriculture. Among the crops, coffee, pulses, oilseeds, potatoes, sugarcane, vegetables and cereals are principal crops grown in Ethiopia. As a result, potato is the most important vegetable in terms of both production and consumption in Ethiopia. The objective of this study is to review the production and productivity of potato, major potato value chain actors and their roles, determinants of quantity of potato supplied to the market and factors affecting potato value addition at different stages of the value chain in Ethiopia. Finally, from the review literature almost all results the production of potato and the demand of potato increase from year to year comparing to in the last period. The major actors of potato value chain were channeled from producer to final consumers, such as input supplier, producers (farmer), wholesalers, retailers, small scale processor, and consumers. Although trading of potato is profitable across all sample and Potato is among the major vegetable export products. It is traded in both local market and export market outlets. Among the different literatures the following variables determine the supply of potato such as, distance to the market, Access of market information, price of produce, Access to extension service, size of land, yield, Access of credit and access of non-farm income. . In addition to these the factor affecting value addition are not washing off soil from harvested potato, lack of packing material or baskets, as well as lack of transportation, storage, access of credit, access of extension services, small quantity to produce and distance to market. Keyword s: Value chain, potato, Value chain actors, value addition DOI : 10.7176/DCS/9-5-02 Publication date :May 31 st 2019
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