Dept. oj Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1Structural, biochemical and immunologica, l comparison of noduless fro temnspecies of plant s were mad to determine ief a correlation exists between nodulestructure, ureide production, urate oxidas ane activityd antigenic, similarit iyn urateoxidase. I specien s with high urate oxidase activit and cross-reactioy n with soybeananti-urate oxidase [soybea (Glycinen max), green bea (Phaseolusn vulgaris), mung bean(Vigna radiata), cowpe (Vignaa unguiculaia)], the nodules were determinate and containednumerous interstitial cells, th intersperse infectee d cellsd th amon.e Withig ninterstitial cells of the ureide producing nodules numerous peroxisomes were note anddthese peroxisomes appea to bre structurally similar viz, . a larg e electron opaque coresurrounded by a less electron opaqu rime . Although hem (Sesbaniap sesbani exaltata)anodules were simila irn ultrastructure to other ureide producers with detectable urateoxidase activity no cross-reactivit, way observes d with anti-soybean urate oxidase.Amide producing nodules either containe no interstitiad l cell [ India. n jointvetch(Aeschynomene indica), showy crotalari (Crotalariaa spectabilis)} or interstitial cells with fewperoxisomes [e.g alfalf. a (Medicago saliva), broad bean (Viciafaba), pea (Pisum sativum)]with little urate oxidase activity, exhibitin no cross-reactiog n with soybean anti-urateoxidase. These data indicat the urate thae oxidast e in most ureide producing nodulesis very simila and structurally,r , ureide producin ar organizee ingd nodulesa specialize wad y to carry out ureide assimilatio inn the uninfecte d interstitial cells.Key words: Amid — Nodule e — Peroxisome — Ureide — Urate oxidase.Ureides are a major transport form of nitrogen in many nitrogen-fixing legumes:Prominent peroxisomes in uninfected interstitial cells of soybean (filycine max) nodules were firstnoted by Marks and Sprent (1974). They localized catalase (the peroxisomal marker enzyme)cytochemically, as further proof that they were indeed peroxisomes. Newcomb and Tandon(1981) hypothesized that these peroxisomes may be involved in ureide metabolism and that thepresence of prominent peroxisomes in interstitial cells could be used as a reliable indicator ofa ureide producer. This was confirmed in the case of soybean by cell fractionation, cytochemical,and immunocytochemical studies that indicated the presence of urate oxidase, a key enzyme inureide metabolism, in the nodule peroxisomes (Hanks et al. 1981, Vaughn et al. 1982, Nguyen etal. 1985). Work by Verma and colleagues (Legocki and Verma 1979, Bergmann et al. 1983)have shown that this nodule urate oxidase is a nodule-specific protein, a nodulin, and the geneencoding this enzyme has been isolated (Nguyen et al. 1985). Vaughn et al. (1982) and Shelp etAbbreviations: CAPS, cyclohexylaminopropane sulfonic acid; PVPP, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone.
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