Low Voltage Circuit Breakers is used for the switching process in power distribution and control system. This process is accompanied by the occurrence of the electric arc between the fixed and mobile contact pieces of the apparatus. The electric arc is introduced into the quenching chamber formed of ferromagnetic iron splitter plates, divided into short arcs and then the arc may extinguish after passing the current through zero. Behavior of the electric arc in the extinguishing chamber influences the performance of these devices, the ferromagnetic material leading to the improvement of these performances. This article presents the calculation of the magnetic field components in the extinguishing chamber of the low-voltage circuit breaker of the 2000 A, 690 V manufactured by Schneider Electric and to describe the physical phenomenon and mathematical calculation of the electric arc in LVCB. The Ansys Multiphysics program is used to determine the spectrum of magnetic field components. This program is based on the finite element method for solving Maxwell equations.