Semiconductor-based electronic amplifiers are ubiquitous in the modern world, but have fundamental limitations, such as the impossibility of using them at extreme temperatures and their sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Also, they inherently have various sources of electronic noise. We have developed a MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) switch based amplifier in which an electronic signal is mechanically amplified in power: the MEMSamp. The new device is suitable for the same applications as semiconductor-based amplifiers, with the additional advantage of a purely mechanical operation, circumventing the limitations mentioned above. A thermal noise analysis shows that a MEMSamp may be operated with much lower input noise than state-of-the-art semiconductor amplifiers. We expect optimized amplifiers based on this principle to be applicable in fields ranging from low-noise preamplifiers to radiation-hard power amplifiers, and from ultra-high temperature electronics to spacecrafts.
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