The authors consider the economic self-determination of a small business entrepreneur as selfdetermination in the economic environment. The goal of economic self-determination is to achieve an optimal level of competitiveness, rational monetary attitudes and, as result, formation of economic behavior in order to achieve the set goals that contribute to the success in the professional activity. A group of 58 small business entrepreneurs took part in the survey. Preliminary, entrance testing was carried out with the use of the standardized methods, which was followed by correlation analysis. It allowed one to find out the relationship between the indicators of the scales. A group with a low level of competitiveness was identified using the standardized methodology “Attitude towards competition”. As a result, the authors developed a program of group psychological counseling. The structure of the consultation process included the following stages: problem investigation, two-dimensional problem identification, planning, activity, assessment and feedback. After the group psychological counseling, the final control was carried out using the same methods and the effectiveness of this type of counseling was assessed using the Wilcoxon test. The results of mathematical and statistical analysis confirm the effectiveness of the developed program. Group psychological counseling allowed one to increase self-esteem, purposefulness, self-confidence, intensified the scenarios of economic behavior, changed the attitudes towards money and economic benefits which also ensured an increase in competitiveness indicators.
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