The shape of an ellipsoidal pebble may be defined by the lengths of its semidiameters x, y and z, and by r = √ xyz. The shape may be plotted as a point on a triangular diagram of sides log( x r ), log( y r ), log( z r ). The shapes of a group of related ellipsoids may be plotted to produce a scatter diagram which may then be contoured to give a modal shape and shape-dispersion of the group. The symmetrical nature of the triangular logarithmic plot is convenient for representing all three axes equivalently. The graphical method of statistical analysis permits an accurate measurement of modal shape, and provides a method of determining whether a population of pebbles is homogeneous in regard to shape. The dispersion patterns are of three kinds which are: 1. (1) inherited from the original conglomerate. 2. (2) representing random perturbations in the strain. 3. (3) tracing paths of progressive strain. The strain inside pebbles (not necessarily that in a metaconglomerate as a whole) may be measured in terms of the axial extensions using the logarithmic parameters in ( x r ), In ( y r ), In ( z r ), or ϵ x , ϵ y , ϵ z . The magnitude of strain may be expressed in terms of a parameter E, the logarithmic strain interval, which is a summation of the natural or logarithmic strains and is applicable to any type of strain. The strain interval E is simply related to the plot interval S which is the separation of any two points on the triangular diagram. Triangular logarithmic shape diagram, for the sparagmite, Bygdin, -Fetlar, Barberton and Goat Island Conglomerates and the South Mountain oolites are compared. The diagrams imply an initial scatter of shapes and an increase in the range of shapes with increasing strain. In most cases the shape distribution implies a linear deformation path, the most common being y r equals a constant near unity. This is a strain of the type ϵ y = 0, ϵ x = − ϵ z which is a plane strain in xz. An exception is the Bygdin Conglomerate for which the shape distribution suggests a two-stage strain. Two components of strain cannot be determined by this method. The first is dilitation which is detectable only by examination of the passage into unstrained material, as done by Cloos (1947, p.884). The second is a component of internal rotation which is detectable only from the fabric symmetry (inside the pebbles). The strain which is found by this method is the pure component of strain in the interior of the pebbles.
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