The article is characterized that the rhetorical parameters of the Ukrainian Polish-language treatises of the Mohylian period: Cassian Sakowicz “Perspective and explanation of delusions, heresies and superstitions of the Greco- Roman Church” (“Επανόρθόσις albo Perspectiwa y obiasnienie”) (1642), Petro Mohyla “The Lithos, or the Stone from the pilgrimage of the Holy Russian Orthodox Church” (“ΛΙΘОΣ abo kamień z procy prawdy Cerkwie Świętey Prawosławney Ruskiey. Na skruszenie fałecznoćiemney Perspektiwy albo raczey Paszkwilu od Kassiana Sakowicza” (1644), Ivan Dubovych “Image of the Eastern Orthodox Church” (“Hierarchia abo o zwierzchności w Cerkwi Bożey”) (1644), Pachomius Voyna-Oransky “The Mirror, or the Curtain” (“ZWIERCIADŁO albo ZASŁONA od Przewielebnego Oyca Pachomiusza Woyny Orańskiego, z łaski Bożey y Ś. Stolice Apostolskiey Episkopa Pińskiego y Turowskiego naprezik uszczypliwey PERSPEKTYWIE przez X. Kassiana Sakowicza zlożonego Archimandry Dubieńskiego zebraney y napisaney ic. ic. WYSTAWIONA”) (1645). It is emphasized that their appearance was influenced by both historical and political circumstances in Ukraine and trends that were widespread in Europe at that time. Through the prism of rhetoric, the individual style of the authors is studied, the techniques of persuasive text creation used in the works, the formative principles of the argumentation system are separated, their connection with apologetics is traced, the peculiarities of the theologians’ use of methods and approaches to the interpretation of the Holy Scripture, which the authors interpreted in accordance with their religious beliefs, which were in permanent dialogue with a specific addressee, opponent and their works. The study of the influence of the Renaissance-Reformation and Counter- Reformation literature of Western Europe on the development of treatises was significantly deepened, and the reception of the works by their opponents was studied. It is proven that the works were aimed at a wide audience, as they were based on the rules of behavior and morality of a decent Christian, their purpose was to convey to believers the basic norms of Christian morality, spread religious beliefs, and interpret the biblical text. And their rhetorical accents increased the emotional and evaluative expressiveness of speech, giving their works persuasiveness, allowing writers to influence readers and make them understand their religious position, focusing on important theological issues and subjects of controversy. They not only had a special literary and aesthetic value, but also served as the basis of the treatises of the second half of the 18th century, which continued the inter-confessional dispute, occupied an important place in the contemporary theological debates and the activation of tolerance in the attitude towards opponents.
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