In this paper we give an analysis of the neutron transmission through an iron sphere using Monte Carlo and transport theory methods based on ENDF/B-VII.1 general purpose library. The motivation for this investigation comes from a well-known deficiency in the iron inelastic data from the older library evaluation (ENDF/B-V), giving a concern for a fast neutron flux underestimation within the reactor pressure vessels. In order to benchmark the next-generation ENDF/B-VI iron data, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the former Czechoslovakian National Research Institute have jointly preformed several experiments in 1990s, addressing neutron leakage spectra obtained for a 252Cf fission source in a centre of an iron sphere. It was shown that the ENDF/B-VI iron cross section, containing several improvements over previous evaluations, will not entirely resolve the neutron spectrum discrepancies observed at high neutron energies. Since safety analyses of reactor pressure vessel embrittlement are often based on neutron transport calculations using specific multigroup cross section libraries, simulation of this benchmark was performed using a hybrid shielding methodology of ADVANTG3.0.3 and MCNP6.1.1b codes. Comparison of calculated and referenced dosimeter activation rates are presented for several "standard" nuclear reactions, often used in reactor pressure vessel dosimetry. For that purpose, the new IRDFF-II special library from the IAEA Nuclear Data Services was used as a reference source of dosimetry cross sections. The MCNP6.1.1b code was used for calculation of reaction rates, which were also compared with previous IRDFF-1.05 special library and general purpose ENDF/B-VII.1 library.
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