In the current context, given the amount of information that is generated at each moment and the ease of access to it, students are expected to have a variety of learning strategies to better conduct their learning. This study aimed to ascertain the learning strategies used by students who attended Biology and Geography Teaching courses in the academic year 2018, at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of Huambo (ISCED-Huambo). 60 students from the 4th year participated, enrolled for the pedagogical internship. Data were collected using a Likert-type Learning Strategy Scale composed of 48 items. Data collection was carried out in person. For data analysis, the frequencies presented by the participants in relation to the use of cognitive, metacognitive learning strategies and absence of strategy were calculated. It was found that students have superficial knowledge about learning strategies and a series of cognitive and metacognitive strategies have not been used frequently and regularly. It is expected that the results of this study will contribute to reflections not only by the students, but also by the teaching staff, aiming to strengthen the quality of training that is provided in the level of teacher training courses and to find methodologies that allow students to know the various strategies learning, knowing when and how to use them.