The global effort to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources results in the closure of surface and underground coal mines, subsequently affecting the environment, society, and the economy. Land uplift is one of the challenges since the coal mine closure in Germany. Using computational modeling and simulation helps understand the long-term land uplift behavior related to variables’ complexity and dynamic interactions of groundwater level changes. This study proposes a system dynamics (SD) model to study the complexity of variables and consider the upstream groundwater impacts on land uplift in abandoned mines in the Ruhr district in Germany. The proposed model utilized causal loop diagrams (CLD) and stock flow diagrams (SFD) to provide a conceptual and simulation framework. The individual and combined effects of increasing rainfall, groundwater level, effective stress, porosity, porewater pressure, total stress, etc., on land uplift are studied. The model was evaluated by analyzing different scenarios based on stochastic and random variables in the Eastern Ruhr region of Germany. The scenario result showed that with a 10% increase in groundwater level, the land uplift increased by about + 6%, and a rise of 200% in total stress caused an 18% increase in effective stress, which decreased the land uplift by about 20%. Additionally, decreasing porosity leads to reduced land uplift. The land uplift trend was very high in the first 15 years after mine closure. Some scenarios are considered to delay and decrease the land uplift in the long-term.
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