Introduction. The problem of extraterritoriality of the application of American law and, in particular, constitutional norms has become especially relevant in recent decades in connection with the adoption and application of a number of regulations whose effect extends directly beyond the borders of the United States and significantly affects the interests of independent states. In this regard, scholars and legal practitioners often turn to this issue to determine what is the legal basis for the application of extraterritoriality, as well as what judicial and doctrinal approaches to resolving this issue exist in the United States of America itself. It should be noted that some states understand the principle of extraterritoriality very broadly, when a state goes beyond its own jurisdiction. A similar situation is observed in the United States. In this article, authors turn to the history of the extraterritoriality of legal norms in the United States, analyze in detail the practice of the Supreme Court and identify different vectors of development of this concept in American law and judicial practice.Materials and methods. During the study, general scientific methods were used, including methods of cognition, description, analysis and special methods, such as comparative legal, formal legal, structural legal.Reseach results. The study showed that despite the long history of resolving the issue of extraterritoriality of a number of American legal norms, the vector of development of this concept has changed significantly over time, which is directly confirmed by the corresponding analysis of the practice of the US Supreme Court and a number of lower courts. The modern trend is to use more balanced approaches that take into account a variety of factors, such as the territory of the act and the citizenship of the party.Discussion and conclusion. The conducted research revealed that increasing attention is being paid to the analysis of the issue of the balance of power in the system of separation of powers, as well as to issues of national security in connection with the development of the concept of extraterritoriality. The development of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the United States has a significant impact on the activities of executive authorities and affects the standards for resolving judicial disputes in lower courts. When resolving the issue of extraterritoriality, it is very important to maintain modern diplomatic approaches and, in particular, to maintain the principle of reciprocity and not to create a threat to the sovereignty of other states.
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