In the content of the article, the author revealed the relevance of scientific knowledge of the issues of the place and role of the state in modern rule-making, characterizing both the features of the mechanism of modern rule-making and the specifics of the transformation of modern states. It was noted that the state’s participation in law-making in the modern conditions of legal development in Ukraine is the subject of many discussions and debates on the part of representatives of legal doctrine. It was noted that today the doctrinal development of the issues of the state’s place in the system of law-making subjects is acquiring an increasingly multifaceted dimension. The fact is that researchers today no longer ask the fundamental question of the state’s belonging to the subjects of rule-making, but investigate a wide range of issues of the functioning of the state in the sphere of rule-making under the influence of various factors of the development of the legal system. Therefore, the issue of the place of the state acquires a broader and pluralistic character, represented in legal science by various approaches and directions of state characteristics, which include the following: 1) internationalization of law and state sovereignty; 2) expansion of the subject structure of rule-making; 3) strengthening of theoretical studies of institutions of public power, which are subjects of rule-making; 4) scientific studies of the process of digitalization of rule-making are becoming widespread; 5) questions of legal pluralism are increasingly being raised in legal science; 6) research on the influence of public requests and needs on rule-making activity, especially the activity of public authorities, is being intensified. It is concluded that in the modern system of rule-making, the state plays a central role as the main subject that forms and implements legal norms. This role is due to the fact that the state has the legitimate power to create, approve and monitor the implementation of legal prescriptions. State rule-making is carried out through legislative bodies, which adopt laws, as well as through executive and judicial bodies, which can adopt by-laws, interpret legal norms, etc. In addition, the state acts as a coordinator between various law-making subjects, ensuring the unity and coherence of legal norms. Thanks to this, legal conflicts can be avoided, social, economic and political processes can be more effectively regulated. However, along with state institutions, supranational (international) organizations, public associations and private entities are becoming increasingly important, which also influence the formation of legal norms, especially in matters of human rights, environmental law, economic integration, etc. Such interaction is an important element of the globalization of law and ensures the universality of legal standards, but it is the state that remains the main guarantor of the implementation and compliance with the norms of national law.
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