This paper describes the innovations in mathematics teaching for the D3 Dep. of Electrical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines), Indonesia during the corona pandemic and the evaluation. The case study method is chosen to observe the qualitative and quantitative data based on three considerations, i.e. the technologies, goals and assessments. The results show three things: teaching innovations based on the processes and products and the evaluation. Processes here mean the variety on the technology use in teaching. During the pandemic, not only Whatsapp (WA) application is used to support the teaching but also two learning management systems (LMS), i.e. Elnino (Moodle-based) and Google Classroom (Google-based). These technologies are used simultantly to record the attendances as well as to deliver teaching and assignment materials. Meanwhile, Whatsapp (WA) application is then used specifically for discussions, Google Classroom for submitting assignment and Elnino for managing the grades. Beside the LMS, another technology, i.e. Youtube channel, is used to share teaching materials in the video format. Meanwhile products here mean innovations on the goals and assessments modifications. Goals are simplified into three (out of four) purposes only. While assessments only consist of the two (out of three) individual assignments and two (out of four) group works. As the evaluation given by students’ feedback, more teaching innovations are needed to balance the synchronous and asynchronous teaching approaches. Which means more technologies can be used to conduct online meeting (e.g. Zoom meeting, Google Meet) and interactive online quizzes (e.g. Kahoot, Mentimeter).