This study focuses on obtaining reliable hydrodynamic stresses on the surface of rigid bodies in the simulation of fluid-solid interactions using the diffuse-interface immersed boundary method (IBM). In order to obtain the pressure and velocity gradient information on the immersed boundary, we employ a model to reconstruct the near-boundary fluid flow along the surface normal direction. Different from most existing flow reconstruction models in diffuse-interface IBMs based on the boundary layer approximation, we propose a new reconstruction model relying only on the non-slip velocity and local flow information. With this improvement, the present reconstruction model is theoretically applicable to fluid flows with intermediate Reynolds numbers (with the existence of a laminar boundary layer) and low Reynolds numbers (in the absence of a boundary layer). To examine the validity of the present reconstruction model, we conduct a series of simulations, including the uniform flow past a fixed body and the settling of a rigid body in a quiescent fluid. It is demonstrated that the present reconstruction model has a better performance than existing models in predicting hydrodynamic stresses on the immersed boundary within a wide range of Reynolds numbers from O(1) to O(100). The capability and robustness of the proposed model demonstrate its potential to address fluid-solid interaction problems with a-priori unknown or time-varying Reynolds numbers, such as fully resolved simulations of particle laden flows.