Radio frequency capacitively coupled plasmas (RF CCPs) sustained in fluorocarbon gases or their mixtures with argon are widely used in plasma-enhanced etching. In this work, we conduct studies on instabilities in a capacitive CF4/Ar (1:9) plasma driven at 13.56 MHz at a pressure of 150 mTorr, by using a one-dimensional fluid/Monte-Carlo (MC) hybrid model. Fluctuations are observed in densities and fluxes of charged particles, electric field, as well as electron impact reaction rates, especially in the bulk. As the gap distance between the electrodes increases from 2.8 cm to 3.8 cm, the fluctuation amplitudes become smaller gradually and the instability period gets longer, as the driving power density ranges from 250 to 300 W m−2. The instabilities are on a time scale of 16–20 RF periods, much shorter than those millisecond periodic instabilities observed experimentally owing to attachment/detachment in electronegative plasmas. At smaller electrode gap, a positive feedback to the instability generation is induced by the enhanced bulk electric field in the highly electronegative mode, by which the electron temperature keeps strongly oscillating. Electrons at high energy are mostly consumed by ionization rather than attachment process, making the electron density increase and overshoot to a much higher value. And then, the discharge becomes weakly electronegative and the bulk electric field becomes weak gradually, resulting in the continuous decrease of the electron density as the electron temperature keeps at a much lower mean value. Until the electron density attains its minimum value again, the instability cycle is formed. The ionization of Ar metastables and dissociative attachment of CF4 are noticed to play minor roles compared with the Ar ionization and excitation at this stage in this mixture discharge. The variations of electron outflow from and negative ion inflow to the discharge center need to be taken into account in the electron density fluctuations, apart from the corresponding electron impact reaction rates. We also notice more than 20% change of the Ar+ ion flux to the powered electrode and about 16% difference in the etching rate due to the instabilities in the case of 2.8 cm gap distance, which is worthy of more attention for improvement of etching technology.
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