Production of bioethanol from biomass plays an important role in terms of improvement of environmental situation and reduction of greenhouse gases emission. Bioethanol is identified as a sustainable solution of fossil fuel problem and it has gained significant attention with global production of 29 billion tones per year. The research interest in bioethanol is focused not only on the issues of energy crises but also on the comprehensive diversification of the economy. Converting biomass to bioethanol provides combined benefits of waste-to-value conversion and alternative fuel production. The objects of our research were samples of petroleum-based gasoline (Regular, Premium and Super brands), as well as 10%, 20% and 30% mixtures of bioethanol with gasoline. We prepared the following test samples: E0 and ethanol/gasoline mixtures E5, E10, d E20, and then studied their physical, chemical and technical characteristics. The group composition of these samples was studied on IR spectrometer and their individual composition – on gas chromatograph. During idle running of engine the text mixtures showed a decrease in CO content in exhaust gases by 15%. In addition, since the obtained mixtures contain oxygen, complete combustion of the fuel takes place. Thus, adding of bioethanol additive causes improvement of ecological properties of fuel.
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