Parameter identification of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells is crucial for the PV system modeling. However, finding optimal parameters of PV models is an intractable problem due to the highly nonlinear characteristics between currents and voltages in different environments. To address this problem, whale optimization algorithm (WOA)-based meta-heuristic algorithm has turned out to be a feasible and effective approach. As a highly promising optimization algorithm, different enhanced WOA variants have been proposed. Nevertheless, there has been no comparative study of WOA and its variants for parameter identification of PV models so far. To further investigate and analyze the performance of WOA in the studied problem, this work applied and compared WOA and ten enhanced WOA variants for identifying five PV model parameters. Different evaluation indices including solution accuracy, search robustness, and convergence curve were employed to reveal their performance variation. Based on the simulation results, a multi-model statistical analysis with the Friedman test at a confidence level 0.05 was conducted to rank all algorithms. EWOA that hybridizes the sorting-based differential mutation operator and the Lévy flight strategy ranked first and its performance was further verified. Besides, according to the simulation results, possible effective improvement directions for WOA in tackling this intractable problem are concluded to guide future work.
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