ABSTRACT: The fact shows that social conflicts remain frequently happening in Indonesia until today. The social conflicts manifest in various forms and happen in different sites and are caused by various reasons.The motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ikarepresenting Indonesia as a nation having diversity in tribes, religions, races, and groups is indeed to be a significant factor and capital that contributes to the establishment of a unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the motto, on the other hand, can also be a seed of the emergence of vertical and horizontal conflicts. It could be noted that there were a lot of serious social conflicts that caused casualties in the forms of death, loss of property, social and environmental damages, human rights violations and so on. As a critical reflection, Indonesian nation is now being faced to challenges that tend to lead to disintegrative and threatening situations that will probably threaten the existence of the nation. Besides, there are a number of sites having potential social conflictsand they spread throughout Indonesia. This needs to be overcome.Keywords: legal protection, victim, social conflict ABSTRAK: Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa: di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih sering terjadi konflik sosial dalam berbagai bentuk di berbagai wilayah dengan berbagai sebab. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang merupakan keanekaragaman suku, agama, ras dan golongan merupakan modal dan faktor yang memberikan kontribusi tegaknya negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia, namun di sisi lain, sekaligus juga bisa menjadi munculnya konflik vertikal maupun horisontal. Telah dicatat banyak sekali konflik besar yang menimbulkan korban yang berupa: kematian, kerugian harta benda, kerusakan sosial, kerusakan lingkungan, pelanggaran HAM berat dan sebagainya. Refleksi kritis bahwa bangsa Indonesia dihadapkan pada tantangan yang cenderung mengantarkan ke situasi yang bersifat disintegratif dan mengancam eksistensi bangsa, serta terdapat sejumlah titik rawan konflik sosial di Indonesia yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia yang perlu diatasi.Kata Kunci: HAM, Konflik Sosial, Perlindungan Hukum
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