Pastry products have a significant part in a total production of confectionery products in Ukraine. They are represented with a wide range. Last time, the consumption of high biological value products is especially important for people. The diet should be enriched with biologically active substances that ensure the normal functioning of all body systems and exert a protective effect. It is important in that case when negative environmental factors affect on the human body. That is why, searches are being made for such types of raw materials with antioxidant, antitoxic and anti-stress effects that stimulate the activity of the immune system. Topical question is using cereals in the production of flour confectionery as additives to traditional types of flour. The rang of flour confectionery products produced in Ukraine is huge - these are crackers, cookies, biscuits, gingerbreads, muffins, waffles, various types of cakes and pastries. However, an analysis of the chemical composition and nutritional value of the flour confectionery products samples indicates that none of them meets the requirements of nutritional science. Flour confectionery products have a high level of carbohydrates and fats and low in protein, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins. This is an indicator of an unbalanced composition. Scientists change the nutritional value of flour confectionery products by adding useful ingredients to the recipe or by eliminating undesirable (useless) components. To create functional flour confectionery, scientists pay attention to increasing the content of vitamins, dietary fiber and reducing the energy value of products. Now the high calorie content of flour products is not an indicator of their value. The aim of the work is to improve the technology of biscotti by adding raw materials of high biological value - rice and corn flour. Standard research methods of structuralmechanical and physical-chemical indicators of product quality are used. The article describes the technology of biscotti, shows the possibility of using corn and rice flour in the recipe of biscotti and cantucci. The quality indicators of incoming raw materials are investigated. The study results on the effect of additives on the quality indicators of the dough and finished products are given. The optimal amount of additives has been determined. A new cookie recipe has been developed. A patent has been received. Keywords: flour confectionery, cookies, biscotti, cantucci, rice flour, corn flour. REFERENCES 1. Sheludko, V. M. (2011) Novi vydy boroshnyanykh kondytersʹkykh vyrobiv v Ukrayini. Khranenye y pererabotka zerna, 6, 30 – 32. 2. Mukha, Yu. Yu. (2017) Tekhnolohiya biskotti z roslynnoyu syrovynoyu pidvyshchenoyi kharchovoyi tsinnosti. Zb. nauk. statey mahistriv f-tu KHTHRTB PUET za rezulʹtatamy 2016-2017 n.r., 129–132. 3. Kudryk, A. D. (2018) Rysove boroshno v tekhnolohiyi biskotti. Aktualʹni pytannya rozvytku ekonomiky, kharchovykh tekhnolohiy ta tovaroznavstva. ХLI Mizhnarodna naukova student ·sʹka konferentsiya za pidsumkamy naukovodoslidnykh robit studentiv za 2017 rik, 380-381. 4. Sheludko, V. M. (2017) Sklad pechyva biskotti, u201613380. Pat. Ukraine. 5. Mukha, Yu. Yu. (2016) Osoblyvosti tekhnolohiyi biskotti i kantuchchi. II Mizhnarodnoa molodizhna naukovo-praktychna Internet-konferentsiya Nauka i molodʹ, 228. 6. Sheludko, V. M. (2016) Vyvchennya mozhlyvosti vykorystannya ovochevoho pyure v tekhnolohiyi maffiniv. Khranenye y pererabotka zerna, 5, 47-51. 7. Sheludko, V. M. (2014) Vykorystannya bobovykh kultur v tekhnolohiyi krekeru. Khranenye y pererabotka zerna, 7, 52-53. 8. Sheludko, V. N. (2015) Ispol'zovaniye oblepikhovogo pyure v tekhnologii bel'giyskikh vafel'. Nauchnoye obespecheniye razvitiya obshchestvennogo pitaniya i pishchevoy promyshlennosti: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy i nauchno-metodicheskoy konferentsii professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava i aspirantov, 42-47. 9. Sheludko, V. M. (2018) Sklad pechyva kantuchchi. U201806426. Pat. Ukraine. Published : 2020-05-12
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