Manganese-zinc-ferrous ferrites of estimated structural compositions Zn0.216Mn0.706Fe0.078Fe204 and Zn0.197Mn0.683 Fe0.120Fe2O4 were ferritized at 1120° and 1090°C using air atmosphere during heating and soaking periods and argon atmosphere during cooling. This ferritized powder after grinding to ≅ 5 μm was pressed into toroid and cylindrical pellets. Sintering of shapes was done in air at temperatures of 1220° and 1250°C and for a soaking periods of 6 hours, while the heating and cooling were done in air and argon respectively. Lattice parameters were determined by the X-ray method; the values ranged between 4.487 and 4.497 A for materials ferritized under different conditions. Real and imaginary parts of complex permeability, μ' and μ″ and quality factor Q were determined in the frequency range 100–2000 kHz using impedance bridge on toroidal samples. The values varied in the range 370–648 (for μ'), 30–54 (for μ″) and 7–16 (for Q) at 100 kHz. The permeability at 100 kHz range was 373–651 against the expected value of 1500 for such applications. The d.c. resistivity was determined using complex impedance analysis and values ranged between 276 and 5762 ohm-cm as compared to values of ≅ 700 ohm-cm reported in the literature. The values of saturation magnetization (σs) ranged between 96 and 108 emu/gm and Curie temperatures for compositions 1 and 2 were found to be 245° and 281°C respectively.
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